Monday, March 28, 2005

His 'n' Hers

She wraps her pain up in little packages and takes them out from time to time to peruse in private.
He wears his pain like a badge of honor, feeling superior to others who can never understand.
She holds her pain inside soap bubbles, and she cries out as each one pops.
He keeps his pain in his pocket with his keys and change, and walks around jiggling it.
She cracks her pain open, like an egg, throws out the albumen and yolk, and keeps the shell.
He puts his pain in a paper airplane and soars it over everyone's head, not seeing where it lands.
She lays her pain on a very high shelf where it gathers dust and is nearly forgotten.
He balances his pain on a wire, spreading it thinner and thinner so that it does not fall.


At 8:34 AM, March 29, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

now I'm curious

At 8:44 AM, March 29, 2005, Blogger Unknown said...

Ain't that the truth! You have some very nice writing on your blog. I had a very nice hour and a few cups of tea reading it.
Thank U,
Keep blogging!


At 8:46 PM, March 30, 2005, Blogger hmrpita said...

Why, thank you!
Mmmmm, tea.
How did you stumble upon my blog?
I am assuming, of course, that you return and read this comment.

At 12:38 PM, April 07, 2005, Blogger Dave (Dasro) said...

I second phaedra :).


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