Thursday, March 10, 2005

What is small, yellow, and obsolete?

Because we use the intarwebs when we need to look up a phone number or address, we always recycle our yellow pages telephone books. We recently got a new phone book, but this time it was not recycled pronto as usual. This is because (I assume in an effort to cut down the cost of production) it is much smaller (not thinner) than it ever has been before. Being small means being "cute" and because of this designation, its life span in our household has increased considerably. Instead of going immediately from our foyer to the recycling bin, it is now sitting on the table in the hallway for an indefinite period of time. The person who placed it there said, "small phone books are like kittens and puppies--their cuteness ensures their survival."


At 10:39 AM, March 11, 2005, Blogger angelo said...

Hrm... that's odd. This said cuteness is exactly the type of thing that would bring on the downfall of the phone book in my house.

Nothing is to compete with me.

At 9:01 AM, March 14, 2005, Blogger Dave (Dasro) said...

Jealous much, angelo? ;-). Pita, Kristin and I thought the same exact thing when we beheld our new tiny phone cute.


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